For the 2025-2026 School Year:
2/3/25 - Registration Opens Online in Aspen
2/5/25 - Spanish Immersion Program Information Night
3/4/25 - Kindergarten Open House
4/11/25 - Spanish Immersion Lottery Registration Deadline
4/17/25 - Spanish Immersion Lottery
June 2025 - Bus Registration Opens in Aspen
Week of 6/16 - Kindergarten Screenings
Day before the 25-26 School Year - Kindergarten Meet and Greet
Required Documents for Registration:
birth certificate
immunization record
most recent physical
proof of residency
certificate of residency
PDF Checklist
Here is a PDF you can use to keep track of the steps for registration and important dates.

Welcome! We can't wait to have you join us for the 2025-2026 school year.
For the 2025-2026 school year, Kindergarten registration will be available starting Monday, February 3rd. All registrations must be completed in Aspen.
Children must be 5 years old before September 1, 2025 to enter Kindergarten. Registration must include the child’s birth certificate, record of immunizations, most recent physical exam, and proof of Maynard residency (utility bill, lease, tax bill).
If you have any questions please call Green Meadow School at 978-897-8246.
To Register your student for Kindergarten, follow these steps:
Step 1:
Login or create an account for our Aspen parent portal.
If you have any issues creating or logging into your account, please email helpdesk@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Families that are new to the Maynard School District will have to create a new Aspen account in order to access the New Student Registration form. You can find some instructions on creating your account by clicking the button below.
Families that already have children in the Maynard School District can use their current Aspen account to log in and go to the New Student Registration form that can be found on the home page.
Step 2:
Complete and submit the new student registration form in Aspen. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens Monday, February 3rd. This form is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. There are instructions on the home page on how to change your preferred language in Aspen.
If you require assistance with completing the registration in Aspen, please call Green Meadow School at 978-897-8246 to schedule an appointment.
A brief overview of the registration steps can be found by clicking the button below.
If you have any issues submitting your registration in Aspen, please email helpdesk@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Step 3:
After completing the registration form in Aspen, there is an additional health form that is required for incoming Kindergarten students. You can find the link to this form below. It is also linked in the registration form in Aspen.
Kindergarten Health Form:
Step 4:
If you are interested in the Spanish Immersion program, please fill out this form to be entered into the lottery. Your child MUST already be registered for Kindergarten in Aspen in order to be entered into the lottery for Spanish Immersion. This form will also open on Monday, February 3rd.
Other Resources
Supplemental Low Income Form: English Spanish Portuguese
Click here to navigate to our Bus Transportation webpage. Bus registration happens in June by completing a form in Aspen.
Click here to learn more about BASEC after school care.
Click here to learn more about the programs at the Boys and Girls Club.