Maynard Public School Core Values Logo

The search for a new Superintendent of Schools is well underway. A very important part of the process is to solicit community input about the  desired attributes, experiences, and goals for their new superintendent. Such input is of valuable assistance to the School Committee and the Screening Committee as they interview candidates. To facilitate this phase of our search Dr. Carolyn Burke, a search consultant with the New England School Development Council (NESDEC), will be meeting  with Maynard staff, parents, students, and community members in focus groups. 

The focus groups for Maynard Parents and Community Members will be held on: 

Tuesday, October 15th at 5:00 pm in the Maynard Public Library Trustees Room 

Thursday, October 17th at 8:00 am in the Fowler Assembly Hall.

Participation in these focus groups will require 1 - 1&1/2 hours each. No previous sign-up is required. If the date and time of the session for your demographic group is not convenient, feel free to attend one of the others. (Schedule posted separately)

If you are unable to attend any of the focus groups, we ask that you please fill out NESDEC’s anonymous online survey at  

You are also invited to share your thoughts in writing and address them to: Dr. Carolyn Burke, NESDEC, Maynard Superintendent Search, 28 Lord Road, Marlborough, MA 01752.

The Maynard  School Committee wants and values your opinions. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to participate.