Dear Maynard School and Community Members,
Thank you for your continued advocacy regarding our music program.
It might be helpful to first recap a few recent developments and factual considerations for context, as to where the School Committee currently stands in relation to the FY 21 Budget. At the December 19th School Committee meeting, the preliminary FY 21 budget recommendations were presented by school administration, ahead of the mandated deadline to the Board of Selectmen. This presentation factored in recommendations from school leadership teams, in conjunction with the School Councils and other district leaders.
In review of these preliminary recommendations, the School Committee only approved to submit a budget line request, which asked for a 4.4% increase to the Board of Selectmen for the FY 21 budget cycle. Please know that priorities for reallocation of any resources for FY 21 are only in the preliminary stages, and are subject to change by the School Committee as actual budget figures develop over time, and as further discussions among our various stakeholders unfold.
Receiving the requested 4.4% increase to the School Department’s budget for FY 21 will ensure that no adverse impacts are further felt within our current music programming. Again, no cuts to current music programming are being considered or are anticipated at this time. This remains an important aspect throughout any resource conversation. However, receiving a budget increase from the town that falls below our request of 4.4% will warrant a necessary shift in all conversations regarding resource allocation.
The School Committee also appreciates the immense need to actually rebuild aspects of the music program that have diminished in years past. Music is such an integral element ingrained within Maynard Public Schools. Part of that rebuilding effort necessitates continuing the ongoing internal conversations with district leadership and the Fowler team. The School Committee has charged the administration with assessing the music program as a whole, to better understand and define how it can be improved upon, better supported, and made more equitable where all interested students are able to participate. This needs to be done in a thoughtful manner, and requires strategic planning to ensure a sustainable framework can be implemented that will better support student achievement and growth.
We hope this helps bring some clarity, and we appreciate your continued advocacy of a program with such great importance within our community. We look forward to continuing with our efforts to engage all stakeholders throughout this process.
Maynard School Committee